Got a question? Read the FAQs

Photo by Jess Wyld

Help us create a spectacular finale!

The awe-inspiring Boorna Waanginy: The Trees Speak returns to light up Kings Park with even more spectacular 3D projections telling stories of WA’s beautiful South-West and the culture that has nurtured this cherished land for millennia. 

More than 300,000 visitors experienced this home-grown hit of Perth Festival 2017 and 2019 in late summer (Bunuru). Now, Boorna Waanginy is reborn full of new stories especially for EverNow in the new season of Kambarang, the time of regrowth and new life.

We are calling on schools and community groups to save their recycling and create a beautiful artwork that will be collected and on show as part of the event.

We’re hoping for thousands of ‘seeds’, ‘eggs’ and ‘nests’ so start collecting your 2 litre milk bottles and learn how to be a part of this incredible event below. 

How to get involved?

You don’t have to be part of a group to participate! Every artwork counts, so we’d love creative families and individuals of any age to get involved too. 

Registrations have now closed.

Classroom activities & resources

You can also learn more about the themes of conservation and care that are at the heart of Boorna Waanginy through our extended learning resources for schools. 

Designed for all ages, we have created two additional comprehensive sets of activities which are free to download and explore. Activities touch on a range of cross-curriculum priorities and learning areas, celebrating Western Australia’s extraordinary biodiversity and considering how we must all work together to preserve our natural world.  

The resources are flexible – you can choose to engage with the activities as much or as little as you want. You can choose to learn about your species, create an artwork, conduct a revegetation project, or all of these! 

Do Something to Help the Environment: PDF
Learn About a Species: PDF
Future Weaving: PDF


What is a jig, and do I need one? 
A jig is a tool that helps you strip the milk bottles into one long, even piece of plastic for weaving. You can see it in this video.

If you can't get access to a jig, you can also cut up the milk bottles with scissors. Just try to make your plastic strip as even as possible for the best result.

Will you really use my artwork if I make one?
We definitely will. These artworks are vital to the success of the finale, we want as many as we can possibly get!  

I can only contribute 1 artwork, should I still register? 
Absolutely! Every artwork counts.  

Where should we drop our artworks off? 
The drop-off point is the EverNow team office in Crawley. 

EverNow office: 3 Crawley Ave, Crawley, WA, 6009

I want to participate but can’t organise materials or drop-off. How can I get involved? 
We are hoping to run some community craft workshops where families can drop past, make an artwork, and leave it with us. Watch this space for details on when & where these workshops will happen.   

I live far away from Perth, but my family/school wants to participate, what can we do? 
You are welcome to send us your artworks by post, as long as they arrive by 22 September. If that’s not possible, we still encourage you to use the myriad activities outlined in the Creative Learning Resources above.

Postal address is:

The EverNow Team 
3 Crawley Ave 
Crawley, WA, 6009

My family doesn’t drink milk/juice, how can we participate? 
There are lots of ways to find an old 2L bottle to make an artwork with. Local cafes and restaurants are a great resource, or talk to someone at school or work and see if they might have a spare one! 

I have a specific question that hasn’t been answered here?
For more information contact us at [email protected]