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What you need to know

Protecting your privacy is important to Perth International Arts Festival (ABN 85 631 934 677) and Perth Festival Special Projects (ABN 79 655 389 469), (together Festival Group, us, we, our).

The Festival Group is governed by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which are contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (the Act). We will only collect, hold, use or disclose personal information in accordance with the Act and this Privacy Policy.

Personal Information

As in the Act, in this Privacy Policy “personal information” refers to information or an opinion about an individual who is reasonably identifiable. This Privacy Policy outlines how we deal with your personal information.

All reasonable steps are taken by the Festival Group to protect the personal information we collect from misuse, loss and unauthorised access.

How is Personal Information Collected?

Collection of information will occur at the time a customer provides details to the Festival Group or our authorised agents or when our electronic services are used to obtain information or make a transaction. Customers can purchase tickets and make philanthropic donations using various channels, as applicable. These include our website, Information Centre, philanthropy department, in person at the Box Office and through authorised ticketing agencies.

We also have a membership program through Friends of the Festival, sends e-newsletters and physical brochures and communicates with customers through various online and electronic media including social media. Occasionally we may also collect information from customers when they attend an event or visit our website or by conducting a competition through any of the channels listed.

The Festival Group also collects information from third parties such as authorised agents who sell tickets to festival events.

Kinds of Personal Information Collected by the Festival Group

When purchasing a ticket from the Festival Group we may request the following information from a customer:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Date of birth
  • Credit card details
  • Business name & role
  • Purchase details

The primary reason we collect this information is to contact a customer in the event of a performance cancellation or postponement or to provide additional information as required. In some instances, we may request health information, with consent, from a customer to assist in accessibility bookings. This information is only gathered for the purpose of ensuring safety and access when attending our events.

When visiting our website, our server makes a record of a customer’s visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes – the user’s server address, the user’s top level domain name (eg. .com, .gov, .au, .uk etc.), the date and time of the visit to the site, the pages accessed, the previous site visited, and the type of browser used. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the server’s logs.

Use of Personal Information

The Festival Group uses a customer’s personal information in order to deliver tickets, process payments and make contact in the case of event cancellation, postponement or disruption.

We may also use personal information to conduct business communications such as processing purchases or donations, sending tickets, sending confirmation of purchases and receipts, responding to requests or enquiries and corresponding about competitions.

The Festival Group requests health information only when necessary and with consent, to ensure safe access to a performance.

The Festival Group may also use a customer’s information for the following:

  • Subscription to mailing lists either electronic or postal
  • Sharing information regarding events and activities, including Festival news
  • Submitting entries to competitions
  • Maintaining records
  • Seeking philanthropic donations or sponsorship
  • Conducting market research
  • Compiling user profiles
  • Conduct direct marketing by sending special offers, news and updates such as marketing material, competitions, research or surveys and for fundraising purposes
  • Undertaking analysis of audience preferences and characteristics
  • System administration

How is Personal Information Provided to and used by Third Parties?

When purchasing tickets, making donations or giving information to the Festival Group, Personal Information provided is entered into a database.

For Perth International Arts Festival Limited (who presents the annual Perth Festival) this database is a customer relationship management system which is shared in a consortium of West Australian arts organisations who use a common system, Tessitura, for the purpose of ticketing, marketing, fundraising and customer relationship management. Generally, your personal information will only be accessed by Perth Festival staff and officers when and where is appropriate or necessary. However, the organisations in the consortium can view your name and contact details.

The current organisations in the consortium are:

  • Barking Gecko Theatre Company
  • Black Swan State Theatre Company
  • Co3 Australia
  • West Australian Ballet
  • West Australian Opera
  • Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company
  • Perth Theatre Trust
  • Perth Theatre Trust contractors, project partners and suppliers
  • WA Museum Boola Bardip

Where parties other than Perth Festival have access to Personal Information, they are required to comply with Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which are contained in the Privacy Act 1988.

For Perth Festival Special Projects Limited (who produces work for third parties) this database is a customer relationship management system. The information collect will be shared with Perth International Arts Festival Limited and the third party who is presenting a particular event for the purpose of ticketing, marketing, fundraising and customer relationship management. Your personal information will only be accessed by Festival Group staff and officers and the third-party’s staff and officers when and where is appropriate or necessary.

For the purpose of EverNow, the relevant third party is Tourism WA.

Disclosure of Personal Information

The Festival Group will only disclose your identifiable personal information where necessary to achieve the business purpose for which it was collected, or when required by law (for example under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009).

Opt Out Options & Updating Personal Details

Customers can request to stop receiving marketing communications from the Festival Group. If you wish to exercise the opt out, you can do so by contacting the Festival Group on +61 (0)8 6488 2000, at [email protected] or by selecting the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of email marketing from us.

Customers have the right to request access to and correction of your personal information. To update or correct your personal details please contact us at [email protected] or call +61 (0)8 6488 2000.

Website / Cookies Policy

To assist us to provide services to you, the Festival Group may use cookies (small text file stored on your computer’s browser) on our website. This helps our website to remember information about your visit and make our site more useful to you.

The Festival Group uses site functionality cookies, site analytic cookies and targeting or advertising cookies to help you access all pages, analyse how the website is used and deliver online marketing and advertising that are relevant to you.

The information we may log includes your server address, your to-level domain name (ie. .com, .gov, .uk, etc), the date and time of your visit to our page, the pages accessed, and documents downloaded by you, the previous site(s) visited by you and the type of browser used.

Information obtained by us using cookies may be used for the following purposes:

  • Keeping track of opt-in subscriptions and site preferences
  • Keeping track of return visits to our website
  • Accumulating and analysing anonymous, aggregate statistical information on email and website use
  • Optimising online advertising campaigns and delivering relevant marketing

You can usually find information regarding how to manage cookies under ‘options’ or ‘settings’ in your browser window. If you choose to not receive any cookies in your settings, you may not be able to take full advantage of our website.

Social Media

When using our social media pages, such as Facebook or Instagram, you are using an external site and are subject to the privacy policies and practices of that site. The Festival Group does not endorse and is not accountable for any views expressed by third parties using those sites.

We use aggregate information from our social media pages including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to better understand our audience.

Third Party Sites

Sometimes our website may contain links to third party websites. Some of these sites may contain our logo; however, these sites are not operated by us. If a third-party site collects personal information from you that you consent to be shared with us, this Privacy Policy will apply to any information we obtain in this manner.

We are not responsible for the content or practises of websites operated by third party sites.

If you have registered for tickets to attend Fire Gardens, please also refer to Oztix's privacy policy.

Information for Job Applicants

If you are applying for a job with us, you may be required to provide us with certain personal information, including your:

  • Name
  • Residential address
  • Postal address
  • Telephone numbers
  • Email address
  • Driver’s licence number
  • Evidence of right to work in Australia
  • Employment history
  • Educational background
  • Relevant qualifications / certificates

This information may be collected in your interactions with the Festival Group in person, over the telephone or by email, as part of, or in relation to, your job application.

Information for Volunteer Applicants

If you are applying to volunteer with us, you may be required to provide us with certain personal information, including your:

  • Name
  • Residential address
  • Postal address
  • Telephone numbers
  • Email address
  • Emergency contact details (name, number and relationship)
  • Relevant qualifications / certificates
  • Date of birth

This information may be collected in your interactions with the Festival Group in person, over the telephone or by email, as part of, or in relation to, your application to volunteer with us.

Payment Information

The Festival Group will protect any financial information that you provide to us. If a purchase is made online, we use credit card details only for the purpose for which it was provided and will not be used for marketing purposes. For reasons of security, credit card information is not stored on our web server. We will retain order information for our records only.

Aggregate Data

The Festival Group may use personal information in aggregate form to improve our services. Statistical compilations and analyses of aggregate information may be used by us or provided to others as a summary report for marketing or research purposes and will not contain identifying information.

Overseas Disclosure

The Festival Group does not typically disclose personal information to overseas recipients. However, there is a possibility that, on occasion, your personal information may be disclosed to an overseas recipient. The location of any potential recipients will vary depending on the purpose of the disclosure. Should you have any queries regarding potential overseas disclosure of your personal information, please contact our privacy officer as detailed at the end of this policy.

Changes to this Policy

Our Privacy Policy is subject to change. If a change occurs, the updated policy will be posted to our website and any other place we deem appropriate to ensure our customers have access to it.

Privacy Complaints Process

If you have any concerns or queries about this Privacy Policy or the way the Festival Group has collected, used or disclosed your personal information you should contact us as soon as possible so an investigation can occur. Correspondence can be sent to:

Privacy Contact Officer
Perth Festival
3 Crawley Avenue, Crawley WA, 6009

Please allow 30 days for concerns or complaints to be processed. If you do not receive a satisfactory response from Perth Festival within 30 days, you may refer your query to the Office of Australian Information Commissioner via the contact details listed at